
Monday 13 August 2012

Create Your own Screenshots and Video Tutorials

              Everyone of us in our life will come to a position in need for a screenshot or creation of a video tutorial.In this article i am showing you an amazing technique to capture your screens both as an image as well as a video.This process can be easily achieved by the Jing, screenshot and screencast software from TechSmith.

Click here to download Jing

Steps to Follow
  • Install Jing on your System
  • Then Register for an Jing account
  • This will create a Jing account space for you so that you can upload your screenshots as well as videos online and can just provide your link to those who want to see that.
  • After installing jing it will be running on your system and you can see a sun on top of your desktop

  • Click on that will provide you 3 options
  • One is Capture

  • Second is History

  • Third is More options

  • For caturing screen shots as well as videos click on Capture
  • Then choose your screen size to capture

  • Then select your option of image or video
  • In case of a video you can capture up to 5 minutes
  • You can save the file both in your local system as well as in your jing online space.

  • For viewing what are all captured you can go to history option

  • You can use the more options for availing the more options provided by jing.
Enjoy creating Screenshots and Study Tutorial videos easily....


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